Hi, I'm Krish. I design & build

Web Applications.

Single Page Websites.

Landing Pages.

Available for hire I need a website


Self-directed, motivated and skilled front end developer from Phoenix, AZ working at American Express with approximately 3 years of enterprise experience building and designing responsive web applications. I enjoy continuous learning and building everything from small business sites to complex web applications. If you are a business seeking web presence or an employer looking to hire, you can get in touch with me here.

HTML5 Logo


Using responsive design and the latest features from HTML5/CSS3, I create user experiences that help my client/employer achieve solutions for all screen sizes and devices.

Javascript Logo


As a Front End developer in my current role, I utilize JavaScript (ES5/6), jQuery, Angular 2, various plugins and frameworks to help achieve dynamic and interactive websites.

Build Tools (Webpack) Logo


To achieve high performance solutions, I use tools such as Webpack to speed up development and page speed by minifying, using smarter compressed image formats, and limiting HTTP requests to name a few.

Design (Sketch) Logo


A true minimalist, I try to accomplish with less. Keeping customers in mind, I design rich user interfaces and simplistic experiences using Sketch to deliver on the goals of the client/business.
